
Showing posts from November, 2021

Significance of Diapering your Baby

As truly said , “The daily routine care in a baby’s life includes regular changing of diapers at intervals”. It’s really important to study the child’s behavior & activity while baby diapers are on, the most useful thought is to respond to them with calmness, sensitivity, and sends a strong message to the child that the caregiver enjoys their company and informs them about their body. We are here to explore the ways how we can incorporate the correct use of diapers into the daily care routine and how they are really important to Parents. On an average period of time, it takes 2 to 3 hrs. For a diaper to get soiled as the babies urinate often and even do have 3 to 4 bowel movements in a day. So, the most crucial part is the constant changing of diapers at a fixed interval of time. Though there is always a risk of diaper rash or any sort of infection to babies if proper care is not taken properly. Though it is considered a necessary product, for many families it...

Pacifier Weaning: When is the right time?

Many children enjoy Baby Pacifier , treated as a self-soothing device. Few of them lose interest at age of 2 to 3 yrs. and many need time & support from parents. Before Jumping into the process of pacifier weaning, we should understand important aspects of it. Your Child’s sucking reflex is a very vital need, and as a fact, they learned this way back as a 14-week embryo in their mother’s womb. So don’t be surprised if you and your child take time and struggle with this habit. You can expect them to be gung-ho with this new change but need to proceed gradually with a calm approach. When is the right time to wean from Paci? As per the pediatric experts stopping pacifiers for babies between 2 to 4 yrs. is usually recommended, keeping the thought in mind to avoid the risk of sudden infant death syndrome. It’s a strong belief that throwing paci before the age of 3 reduces your child’s risk of dental malocclusions. Though there is no full-proof age chart for when the cut of the...